Žiga Brank, Violin
Petar Milić, Piano
Robert Schumann: Three Romances, Op. 94
Johannes Brahms: Violin Sonata No. 1 in G major, Op. 78
Ludwig van Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major, Op. 47, ‘Kreutzer Sonata’
This year the Maribor Festival once again has the opportunity to present our artists in a guest appearance in Congress Graz’s enchanting Chamber Hall. The exceptional soloist and chamber musician Žiga Bank (violin) and Petar Milić (piano) will present a concert organised by the Maribor Festival’s longtime partner musikabendeGRAZ.
Transportation to the Maribor Festival’s Graz event is available for interested listeners. Transport from Maribor is free, while discounted tickets to the concert can be purchased in advance by emailing office@festivalmaribor.si, by telephoning (+386) (0) 2 229 40 50, or by visiting the Festival Information Office at Narodni dom.
Ticket prices for Festival Maribor attendees:
Category 1: 22 €
Category 2: 12 €
Category 3: 9 €.
Individual (full price) tickets may also be purchased directly from the musikabendeGraz website: www.musikabendegraz.at.